Hm. Weak sauce, in my opinion.
Session 9 is one of those movies that seems like the writer got a single good idea and then wrote an entire movie around it. In essence, the final five minutes had me going "oh, neat," but the 85 minutes leading up to it were boring enough that it really wasn't worth the wait. I guess the only thing I really credit this movie with is a somewhat original idea. Since it came out, a few (much, much better) movies have come out based on a similar premise, so it's possible that the movie was way more mind-blowing when it first came out. Whatever the case, I don't recommend this movie. Frankly, it's not worth any more of your time of mine. You win some and you lose some, but if you spend 90 minutes of your life watching Session 9, you've lost some.
Overall Rating: 3.8 / 10
-Taylor Dobbs
Session 9 was definitely not my kind of movie. I'll start off with the acting; I don't know how many C.S.I Miami fans there are but I also liked that show except for David Caruso and his horribly corny lines. As a supporting actor in Session 9, Caruso didn't win me over. I don't particularly like the directing and I thought most of the film was pretty boring. I almost started to fall asleep because it was so slow (although that's partially because we started the movie after midnight). The acting was so off and it really wasn't what I had been expecting, although I hadn't expected much from this movie to begin with. Session 9 had a decent plot, but everything else just went downhill from there. To be truly honest, you shouldn't see this movie. It's an absolute waste of your time if you do. You'll laugh because you could probably put a better movie together with ten friends and no training. I simply did not enjoy watching this movie. No offense to the director and actors, but definitely not my preference whatsoever. To me, Session 9 movie was an utter fail.
Overall Rating: 3.6 / 10
- Josh Berg
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