Wall Street is just one of those classics. For those who've seen the preview for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, you're probably in for a treat because it looks amazing. Getting back to the first Wall Street, Charlie Sheen plays the young gun who tries to make it in the business world. Michael Douglas is pure genius playing the role of Gordon Gecko. The movie is a little dated but it doesn't take away as much from the movie as you might expect of a movie made in 1987. The Sheen family is well represented in Wall Street, as Charlie Sheen plays Bud Fox and Martin Sheen plays the father of Charlie's character. Wall Street had an intriguing plot, but it seemed like the universal standing of the film could have been even better.
We look forward to seeing what Shia LeBeouf brings to the table as he stars in the new Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps alongside Michael Douglas, returning as Gordon Gecko.
Overall Rating: 7.7 / 10
- Josh Berg
Wall Street is one of those classics I just hadn't gotten around to seeing. It very much reminded me of the newer Al Pacino flick Two For the Money, but the fact that it was Wall Street instead of sports betting made all the stakes much higher in Wall Street.
I have to say, the title "Wall Street" didn't have me expecting much. Watching a movie about stock trading didn't seem like it could go anywhere exciting, but I was impressed. A young Charlie Sheen did a great mix of a scared what-on-earth-am-I-doing new guy and the overconfident rookie. Michael Douglas, as usual, nailed the role.
I was a little disappointed with the ending, as the audience loses touch with Douglas' character to follow Sheen's, but overall I liked the movie and look forward to seeing the sequel.
Overall Rating: 7.6 / 10
-Taylor Dobbs
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