Tuesday, October 12, 2010

#14: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

I walked into this movie expecting something similar to the first - a decent flick. I walked out impressed.

I've liked Shia LaBoeuf since Even Stevens, but here he did a better job than I would have expected with a high-powered Wall Street type. I most recently remember him from Transformers, where he plays a nervous, nerdy high-schooler. Coming out of that to play a tough-talking, motorcycle-driving stock broker was a big transition, to say the least. This is the first LaBoeuf character I've ever seen that is dealing with real adult issues. Money, parental issues, love, and the rest of the wonderful grabbag of responsibilities that come with being an adult change the game for his character, but he didn't disappoint.

I thought the movie was a great, modern counterpart to Wall Street. While it doesn't abandon the plot elements or characters from the first movie, it doesn't get stuck on them either. The grim realities of the modern market play a big role in this sequel, and it doesn't paint a pretty picture of the role banks played in the crisis.

Michael Douglas' return as Gordon Gecko was perfectly played, in my opinion. To say any more might hurt your experience with it, but my advice is this: Go see Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

Overall Rating: 7.9 / 10

-Taylor Dobbs

When I saw the preview for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, I thought it looked amazing. Shortly after seeing it, not so much. To be brutally honest, not one of my favorites this year. I was really upset after I saw this movie. I agree with Taylor; I think Shia LeBouf is amazing at what he does, and Michael Douglas is always going to be great playing Gordon Gekko. The acting doesn't necessarily make the movie great though. I thought it was very similar to the original Wall Street, just updated and somewhat tedious at times throughout the film. I guess it was worth seeing for me, but if I was to recommend a movie out this year, it would most definitely not be this one. If you love the stock market and work on Wall Street, then you'll enjoy it. But like I said, definitely not my favorite. I thought it could have been way more exciting than it was. If you see this and you didn't see the first, you really won't miss much. Only small details will travel a longer way for those who did see the original starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. All in all, slightly disappointed but glad to have seen it.

Overall Rating: 7.5 / 10

- Josh Berg

1 comment:

  1. the only way i can accept shia the beef's performances is when ta-tas are being shaken near him as an acceptable distraction. megahn fox - great job. michael douglas - not so much.
